How has 40 plus years developing power systems for rail and aerospace prepped you for developing advanced technological solutions for EV fleet charging?
This is a question we’re asked all the time. The short answer is, in lots of ways. But one of the more important is Mean Time Between Failures. Put simply, Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is a metric used to determine how reliable something will be in operation.
In the world of first-of-kind products where technology is generally immature and not fully tested, it’s accepted that MTBF scores will begin very low as years of testing, monitoring, data analysis and iteration will be needed to introduce an acceptable level of reliability. And de-facto, build market confidence to a point where a roll out is commercially viable and operationally sustainable.
But this is where our solution is different. Featuring technology developed to remain reliable in some of the harshest working environments you can imagine and where 30-year lifespan expectations are a given, every element of our Smart Fleet EV charging infrastructure has a very high MTBF score meaning peerless reliability and maximum charging point uptime.
So, we have that most unusual of creatures; a first-of-kind product running tried and tested technology. That means you benefit from a reliable product, with a vastly shortened development cycle.
We moved from the germination of an idea, to a fully working system in just five years. If we’d started the technology from scratch it would have taken at least ten. And as net zero targets draw ever closer, the ability to quickly develop robust tech to meet them is crucial.
Catch us next time where we share part three of our 120kW charging journey and our move beyond it into the Megawatt world. Meantime, if you would like to talk to us about how our unique EV charging technology can give you all the power you need while delivering real ROI back to you, please Contact Us | Find Out How We Can Help | Turbo Power Systems
Today you need a partner that’s much more than just a charger manufacturer. You need one that understands the entire power ecosystem to provide you with the charging solution today, which will evolve, adapt, and grow as we move into the ever-changing world of tomorrow.
At TPS, we’re offering the power of tomorrow. Today.
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