As early as 2016, we began to understand the power of bi-directional DC-DC charging and the impact it could have on overcoming the de-carbonisation challenge. Our 40 plus years developing world-leading power systems for the rail and aerospace industries armed us with the technology to enable it. But it went way beyond creating rapid chargers. It cut straight to the heart of the biggest threat to EV rollout: there’s simply not enough available power to charge them all.
Here we share a brief history of the evolution of Potenza, a singular power unit with our unique DGI (Distribution Grid Inverter) at the heart of our EV charging solution.
Our DGI can trace its roots back to 2013 and a requirement from UK Power Networks (UKPN) for a power solution which would allow them to maximize Grid capacity to ease the increasing pressure on their networks demanded by electrification of transport and the widespread adoption of commercial and domestic heat pumps. In essence a highly technologically advanced GTI (Grid-Tie Inverter), our DGI enabled extra levels of power capacity well beyond what was current in the sector due to special features including bi-directional flows of power, phase balancing and harmonic cancellation. These unique characteristics led to the development of a highly sophisticated solution for UKPN; a Soft Open Point (SOP) formed of multiple DGIs allowing energy to be transferred from one part of the Grid to another to ensure adequate supply to meet local demand. The DGI’s unique capability started us thinking about wider applications for it within the DNO (Distribution Network Operator) community for devices such as STATCOMs and voltage regulators. As early adopters of advanced Silicon Carbide technology for high power applications, our use of it within our devices enabled our DGIs and therefore the SOPs to become the first high power electronic devices commercially available for DNOs in the UK, capable of deployment within public spaces.
Catch us next time when we talk about our bi- directional breakthrough and early V2X experiences. Meantime, if you would like to talk to us about how our unique EV charging technology can give you all the power you need while delivering real ROI back to you, please get in touch: Contact Us | Find Out How We Can Help | Turbo Power Systems
Today you need a partner that’s much more than just a charger manufacturer. You need one that understands the entire power ecosystem to provide you with the charging solution today, which has the unique capability to evolve, adapt, and grow as we move into the ever-changing world of tomorrow. At TPS, we’re offering the power of tomorrow. Today.
A fleeting look at 8.2 Terawatt Hours
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